Acalor No 10
Acalor No 10 is a prominent member of the Acalor range of anti-corrosive epoxy resin mortars. It is particularly suitable as a chemical resistant floor screed and as a chemically resistant monolithic render to channels, chemical vessels, bases, bund areas etc, and in general those areas where traditional brick linings are impractical.
Acalor No 10 anti-corrosive system is solvent free epoxy resins and hardeners together with selected aggregates, comprising a three part application.
1. Primer
2. Bodycoat Screed
3. Surface Dressing
The surface dressing is an optional requirement but is recommended for application on light coloured floors where it provides a surface which is easily cleaned.
Acalor No 10 system possesses high adhesion to concrete, sand and cement screeds, bricks, tiles and chequer plate surfaces.
Easy to apply
Rapid Hardening
Exceptionally tough
Will set under atmospheric conditions
Typical Applications
Food Processing, beverages, brewing, metal finishing, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, effluent pits and water treatment plants, chemical bunds
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